Last Sunday, just before we were about to set up for our ‘Mass on the Field’ and our Oktoberfest celebration, the heavens opened and poured rain down upon us. In a flash, the ever-resourceful and quick-thinking members of the Men's Club moved the entire operation into the cafeteria, the gym, and the parish center. Rather than outdoors, we celebrated the Eucharist in our beautiful basilica and afterward enjoyed food in the school cafeteria and parish center. Though inside, we were still made aware of the many ministries we could be a part of and had games and ample space for the children to enjoy. To add to the festivity, we had the Bears game on, and they surprised us with a victory. Despite the rain, many of you showed up, and if it weren't for flooded basements and streets, I am sure there would have been even more in attendance.
So many individuals and groups were responsible for making this event possible. I want to thank the Men's Club, who, under the leadership of its president Roman Viere and Ben Camarda, was in charge of the food and came together to help us all enjoy the day. The Filipino Community deserves our gratitude for the delectable desserts they provided. The Scouts, who were on hand to serve ice cream, run a few games for the kids and help with clean-up, also deserve our gratitude. The Parish Pastoral Council planned the ministry to help us re-engage in one or more of the many ministries in the parish. Thank you to Bernie Henry and the entire Parish Pastoral Council. The Eucharist was the center of our celebration. I am grateful to Dr. Ken Sotak, our cantors, and the instrumentalists for helping us lift our voices in joyful praise. To our maintenance department and our many volunteers for your help making this day a huge success – THANK YOU!!!
As we kick off the parish's many ministries, this coming weekend, when we celebrate Catechetical Sunday, it is essential that we remind ourselves that our primary ministry is to celebrate and share our faith. As Pope St. Paul VI said – 'the Church exists to evangelize.' As pastor of this wonderful community, my primary responsibility is the spiritual welfare of the flock entrusted to me – to teach and preach the Word. I am grateful to the Parish Pastoral Staff, our Director of Faith Formation, Erika Tate (please see the report from her on the next page), our Director of Religious Education, Jenna Kaszycki, our school principal Emily Carlson and our many catechists and volunteers. Each helps me fulfill this sacred duty.
The Faith Formation Program at Queen of All Saints depends on the stewardship of dozens of catechists and volunteers, men, women, and older teens, throughout the year. Although the catechist's role may take on many hats at various times, catechists are, first and most important of all, a model for children, teens, and adults of all ages, of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. By agreeing to be a catechist, they join a long line of dedicated men and women who have answered God's call to share their faith with others. Parents, too, participate in our parish's faith formation in a significant way. Parents are the first and most influential persons in the faith formation of their young learners, and it is our role to support parents to the best of our ability.