The death of a loved one is a difficult time for family and friends. The Staff and Parish family of Queen of All Saints join in expressing our deepest sympathy to you at the loss of your loved one. We hope you will find comfort in our prayers and concerns.
The ceremonies of Christian burial normally include:
We welcome your thoughts and suggestions as we plan the ceremonies of Christian burial. As you consider the things that are meaningful to you, please keep in mind that proper liturgical norms must be observed. The parish staff stands ready to assist you in these decisions. They will help you in the planning of these ceremonies.
We hope your preparation of and participation in the funeral liturgy will be of comfort to you and your family in this time when God’s love must see us through. Please know that our prayers and support are with you. If there is anything we can do for you, please do not hesitate to call.
The Funeral Mass
The funeral Mass is a time of hope and taking comfort in the fact that your loved one's journey in this world is complete and they are now with the Lord of Life. Our staff can help you make choices as you prepare for the funeral Mass for your loved one.
All choices and details for the Mass must be discussed with and approved by a parish priest or a member of the parish staff before arrangements are finalized.
There are two readings, a responsorial psalm, the Gospel and Prayers of the Faithful that the family/friends of the deceased may choose. The staff at Queen of All Saints is there to guide you through this process and even offer apporpriate suggestions for your loved ones funeral.
For all of these, the staff can guide you in your choices for planning the Mass. The list of readings here are available for you to browse through.
Note: Given here are sample Prayers of the Faithful you may wish to use as they are or to use as a template to compose your own. The priest will introduce and conclude the prayers of intercession. The People’s Response to each intercession is: We pray to the Lord.
Listed below are the suggested categories of intercessions. Click the button for the sample prayers.
Many questions arise when planning music for the funeral liturgy. After you make initial arrangements with the funeral home and the parish office, Ken Sotak, our Director of Music will contact you to talk about the resources available to you and answer questions you may have.
Musicians for the Funeral Mass
An organist and cantor from the parish staff are automatically assigned for the funeral Mass. Should you wish to use additional musicians, our music director will make the necessary arrangements for you.
Participation by Family Members
Often a family member or friend offers to sing a vocal solo or play an instrumental selection within the Mass. Every effort is made to accommodate this kind gesture.
Choosing Music
The texts of vocal pieces used in the funeral liturgy should reflect the thoughts and feelings of those attending in their spirituality and faith. Texts should be sacred in nature, either directly or indirectly based on scripture. Secular songs, while highly expressive, but not in a religous sense, are best reserved for use at the funeral chapel. This would also be true for instrumental pieces based on these songs.
Music Selections
The following link offers a range of music selections that you may find useful in the planning process, both for identifying familiar pieces for which you may not know the titles, or in finding something new that would be most fitting for this special liturgy.
This list is not all-inclusive, but can be a source of inspiration when looking for the ideal piece.