Ministry of Care to the sick (Communion to the Homebound) is a pastoral ministry of caring for those who are hospitalized, in nursing homes, or confined to private homes. Ministers are trained and formed to conduct pastoral visits with time to listen and pray about the concerns of the sick or shut-in person and to share Eucharist with them. These visits bring the parish life to the lives of the homebound.
The Ministers of Care must attend our 9:00am Mass in order to receive the communion they will be taking to the homebound. Ministers of Care visits are currently on the first and third Sundays of the month.
Any initiated Catholics over the age of 18 who has felt called to the ministry of care is eligible to become a minister. The person who cares for the sick and shut-in needs to have specific qualities and gifts, including a listening presence, compassion and empathy, a non-judgmental mindset, confidentiality, commitment and follow-through, prayerfulness, a gentle demeanor and commitment to continuous training and spiritual development.
If you are interested in becoming a minister of care please contact the parish office at