There is nothing that says ‘Queen of All Saints Parish Community’ more than our coming together as one to worship in the basilica; a close second is to gather for a special event on our beautiful field. We use the lawn for outdoor Masses, barbecues, Homecomings, Ravinia nights, football and soccer games—and of course, the gala night for our one and only fundraiser, the UPP, our United Parish Program.
As we continue to maintain our Sunday giving to support our parish operations, as we focus on the need to replenish our parish endowments for the funds spent on our unexpected expenses for repairs in recent years to the Basilica, and as we look ahead to our one single parish-wide annual fundraiser, the United Parish Program (UPP) on May 16, it challenges our generous spirit to think about fitting in one more request for support, the Archdiocesan Annual Catholic Appeal.
Please join the Basilica Singers and Instrumentalists for an evening of contemporary praise and worship in the Basilica at 7:30pm! No ticket, no charge; a freewill offering will be accepted!
Yearly contribution statements for tax purposes will be sent out during the last week of January for parishioners who donated $250 or more to Queen of All Saints in 2024.
Some years ago I was on retreat at a Benedictine Abbey and it happened that while I was there the Church celebrated the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, or as it is often called Candlemas Day, the feast we celebrate this weekend. It was certainly a beautiful celebration to participate in early in the morning as each of the monks in their cowls, processed from the cloister into the dark abbey church carrying a lighted candle. But something else that I haven’t forgotten from that morning was the homily given on that day...
Welcome to Catholic Schools Week! Catholic Schools Week is not just a week-long event; it is a reminder of the commitment we have made to provide a Catholic education that nurtures the mind, body and spirit of our young learners. The theme for this year’s celebration, “Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community,” encapsulates the essence of our mission to instill knowledge, promote a personal relationship with Jesus, encourage service to others, foster leadership skills and ultimately empower our students to succeed in all aspects of their lives...
Today is the start of Catholic Schools Week. Our deep pride and satisfaction in the excellent work done by our school is tempered by the unfortunate reminder that the Illinois legislature terminated the Invest in Kids tax credit scholarship program last year on December 31, 2023...
In order to remain strong, the School Council has begun implementation of our Queen of All Saints five-year Strategic Plan. This strategic plan reflects our foundational strength while offering a path for continued sustainability and growth. We invite you to view the Executive Summary.
With Fr. Simon’s return, I was hoping that you would be spared of having me write again in this portion of the bulletin. One thing I certainly learned while Fr. Simon was away was how many different things fall on the pastor’s plate. I only experienced a portion of those things, and when he asked as “a favor” if I would occasionally write the bulletin article for him, I couldn’t say no (though I did try to convince him otherwise)!
Happy New Year!!! I am happy to be back at Queen of All Saints after my sabbatical that was both restorative and restful. 29 flights, 8 train rides, 6 bus rides, 1 cruise, 4 continents, 12 countries, 39 cities and towns later I realize how fortunate and blessed I am to have had this time off...
We have asked for a significant increase in our Sunday collections, but we also believe that any request for support must be based on a well-documented need. We rely on three main sources of funds: Sundays, Holidays, UPP; Long-Term Savings: Capital Campaign...
One Christmas some time ago, someone gifted me a little prayer card. At first glance I thought it was just another prayer card, with an image of the Magi, or the Wise Men, making their journey to Bethlehem. Then I realized that part of that prayer card included a little relic of sorts – a piece of cloth, as the card told, that had been touched to what are piously believed to be the earthly remains of the Wise Men...
The start of a new year is a great time for us to take another fresh look at our support of our parish. Committing to stewardship of time, talent, and treasure is an important part of living a Christian life.
December 29: Feast of the Holy Family.
December 31: New Year's Eve - Morning Mass at 8am only; Holy Day Vigil Mass at 5pm.
January 1: New Year's Day, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - Masses will be at 7am, 9am & 11am only.
January 2: Morning Mass at 8am only.
Parish offices will be closed on December 31 & January 1.
I had the happy occasion to visit the Holy Land with my seminary class, and we were able to spend Christmas - actually the entire month of December - living in the little town of Bethlehem. When we first arrived, one of my classmates learned that Mass was offered each day at 5 am at the little grotto, or cave, that is venerated as the place where Christ was born...
We look ahead this week knowing that our Christmas collection, one of our two largest special collections of the year, is a necessary part of our ability to support the many ministries, liturgies, and outreach that touch us throughout the year, in both our good times and in our difficult times...
All parishioners in 3rd through 8th grades are invited to sing in this year's Children's Christmas Choir! Click picture for details. Questions? email [email protected].
In this season of greeting cards, we typically see a large variety of images and messages associated with this season. Some years ago, I received one card that was unique - both the image and the printed message that accompanied the card were rather interesting, since it came right about this time when, according to the experts, Mary and Joseph would have been traveling to Bethlehem...