I was very grateful that Cardinal Cupich took time out of his busy schedule to be present with members of my family and friends from all the parishes, offices and agencies at which I have served over the past fifty years. I’m grateful that Bishops Kane and Grob were able to be part of the celebration as well. There were even several colleagues from Washington DC who made the trip too. A good number of my classmates and priest friends also turned up and enjoyed the fun and great food on the field. I’m so very grateful to them all.
My most special words of gratitude, however, are reserved for those who planned the event and made it so memorable. The Men’s Club under the leadership of Steve Barcy and Matt Pulaski, supported by dozens of volunteers, hosted the event with their usual professionalism and enthusiasm. Ben Camarda took special care of my family members and guests with a delicious buffet of Italian beef, sausages, shells and his famous “Competition Burgers.” Judy Henry was the general director of the event and worked with the Men’s Club to erect a tent so that my guests could enjoy themselves in comfort and go back for seconds and thirds. With help from Kris McDonell and other members of the Women’s Guild and her family, Judy laid out the interior design of the tent, decorated the tables and displayed lots of embarrassing pictures of me over the years. She and her daughters, Judy and Kristen, devised an ingenious time line of the major events of my life as a priest.
I am so profoundly humbled. I only wish my parents could have seen it. Bernie Henry, a friend since my seminary days, served as the maître d’
welcoming my guests to enjoy themselves as they meet new friends and
reminisced with old ones. He was ably assisted by his son-in-law, Andrew Castiglioni.
The whole experience unfolded as a joyful celebration – not only or even especially because of my 50th anniversary – but because of the gift of the priesthood to the Church and the world. If I’ve forgotten to mention anyone by name, please forgive me. In the end all of us owe a debt of gratitude to the one, true high priest, Jesus Christ, who has shared his priesthood with all of us. “Without cost we have received; without cost we are to give.”
Monsignor John Pollard