If you have attended an Easter Vigil celebration, you realize that it is rich with the many symbols and sacraments of the new life Christ shares with us through the Church. All the other sacraments continually renew the life of Christ in us, and strengthen us in our life in Christ. In baptism, God gives us His own life and makes us His children. In confirmation, He strengthens us with the power of the Holy Spirit. In the Eucharist, He feeds us with His own flesh. In confession, He forgives our sins. Through holy orders, He gives priests the ability to confer these sacramental graces on us. In matrimony, He blesses married love to reflect His own love. And in the anointing of the sick, He heals us spiritually, and even sometimes physically, and prepares us for heaven.
Throughout the Easter season, most of our calendars are filled with confirmations and First Holy Communions of children, friends and relatives. Ordinations to the diaconate and priesthood often take place during this time. It is convenient to celebrate sacraments during the Easter Season, and not just because the sanctuary blossoms with life and fragrance. At a deeper level, sacraments are closely related to the Easter event. All sacraments are an encounter with the risen Lord. These encounters are not limited to the days after the resurrection but continue in the ministry of the Church.
This weekend 81 eighth-grade students of our parish will receive the sacrament of confirmation. As part of their preparation, they had to submit reflections on Sunday homilies; write a letter to the pastor indicating why they wanted to be confirmed; perform acts of service; and meet with the pastor. Many of them found ways to live out their call to discipleship by doing chores for their neighbors, such as shoveling snow, mowing lawns, baking cookies or spending time with those who were alone. Some of their letters to me expressed their joyful anticipation to receive this sacrament and continue their journey of faith. One of my questions to all of the students was, “What gift of the Holy Spirit will you rely on, and why?” Their answers covered all seven gifts, and in their writing, they expressed hope that the reception of this sacrament will help strengthen their resolve and embolden them to live their faith in a world that continues to challenge them at every step of the way.
As we rejoice with them, please continue to keep the new confirmands, and also those who are preparing to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time in a few weeks, in your prayers. May they be strengthened each day to be witnesses to God’s love.
As this edition of the bulletin goes to press, I realize that exactly a month from today, that is Friday, May 17, we will gather as a community at the Holiday Inn in Skokie for our Gala Night of the UPP. We will celebrate the spirit of community that binds us together and give thanks to God for bringing us together as one family. We will remember and thank the generous benefactors who sustained this great parish in the past, and those who continue to support it both now and into the future. The funds we will raise will support the many ministries and activities of the parish that are essential to our vitality in the present and for generations to come.
The UPP, the United Parish Program, is our one and only fundraiser. The UPP aims to bring together the many and varied organizations in the parish and work as one toward a common goal – to build up the body of Christ and to care for and support the sacramental, educational and ministerial needs of our members. It is therefore of utmost importance that every member of the parish community takes part in this united, and vital, endeavor.
So, I appeal to every family in the parish – and we have 2,900 families – to offer your support and be a part of this year’s UPP. Along with purchasing a ticket and attending the Gala, there are many additional ways to participate. You can be a sponsor, take out an advertisement in the event booklet, offer an item for auction, buy raffle tickets, or help one of the many committees prepare for the event. Our goal is to raise $275,000. That’s a lot of money, but it’s what is needed to support the ongoing ministries and activities of our parish. I know that we can achieve this goal with the participation and support of every single family in the parish. To make it even easier for you to take part, you can donate online!
None of the above would be possible without the leadership and vision of our UPP team. I am deeply grateful to Jill Fowler, Carolyn Turner, Kristin Henry and Katie Mackenzie who are coordinating this year’s UPP, and the many volunteers who are working hard to make this event both memorable and successful. It is through their hard work, and your generosity and support, that we will achieve our goal. I look forward to seeing you on May 17, for our Gala Night that focuses on Building Our Tomorrow!!