January 1 is not just like any other day of the year. It is a day of dreams and resolutions. The first seconds of this day are cause for noisemakers and boozy good cheer to ring in a new year. This year, I will start the task the day it is assigned. I will complete the job before the deadline. This year is when at least one of Chicago's sports teams will make the playoffs. January 1 is a day of fresh starts and new beginnings. It is a day when we dare to dream.
We all like 'newness' in our lives. Who doesn't enjoy a 'new car smell,' the excitement a new toy or phone brings, and the feel of a sweater you received as a Christmas gift? But how long does the 'new car smell' last, and how soon does the excitement of a new toy or gadget fade away? Most resolutions are forgotten in three weeks or less. What if our resolutions this year sound like resolutions of past years but with a twist? For example...
"Losing Weight." This year, I'm going to drop the weight of hurt and hate and live the lightness of Joy.
"Cleaning the House." This year, I'm going to sweep the junk from my mind and soul and make room.
"Stopping an Addiction." This year, I will stop burning myself up and allow time to rest and pray.
"Eating Healthier." This year, I will feed my spirit with the healthy words of life.
"Being A Better Person." This year, I will treat every person I meet like they are Jesus, with love and mercy.
I'm sure you can think of even more.
On this first day of the year, the Church celebrates the motherhood of the Blessed Virgin, giving us in Mary, a model of faith and hope. When Mary said yes to the angel's invitation, she was not sure of the future in store for her. Her only assurance was that 'nothing is impossible for God.' So, no matter what the past year held, God is with us to help us move forward in life. Like Mary, trusting the angel's words, we can say, 'I am the Lord's servant; let your will be done in my life.' This requires 'letting go' and 'letting God' take over. It is easier said than done. So, what if we fail a couple of times or regress a week or two? Let us remind ourselves that God is with us to help us move forward.
This weekend, please join me in welcoming Fr. Andrzej (Andrew) Bartosz, our new associate. Fr. Andrew has been appointed to QAS for six months beginning January 1, 2023. (Please see details below). He will be a welcome addition to our busy parish and a great help to the staff and me. Welcome, Fr. Andrew!