Here is how our parish campus looked in 1955 (see below), when all our buildings had been erected except for the new church. Then, as now, all those other buildings were in heavy use as important parts of a healthy and vibrant parish, including squeezing Masses into multiple cramped spaces in the Keene and Lemont buildings. Solving that situation was the final piece and crowning glory of our parish’s early years.
We talk about the stewardship of time, talent and treasure. On this page we talk a lot about the generosity of treasure that has marked our parish from the start, and made possible the magnificent basilica completed in 1959 where you received this bulletin.
Let us, the bulletin readers, continue to spread the word about our Catholic obligation to attend Mass, to be physically present in this sacred space, together with our fellow parishioners, in shared worship.
Let’s remind our friends, family and neighbors that our parish gathers together as one to celebrate the Eucharist and that our experience in the presence of Christ is a privilege that can be enjoyed continually throughout the year.
Let’s all be together at Mass, now more than ever.