Tomorrow is the first day of May, the month in which the earth springs into bloom (at least in Chicago) and we start thinking about planting gardens, family picnics and making vacation plans. It’s also the Month of Mary, the Queen of All Saints, the patroness of our parish.
Regular readers of this page know we were in the fortunate position to be able to borrow from our long-term savings accounts (our endowments) to fund - repairs to our basilica ceiling, repairs to our basilica bell tower, the completion phase of our capital campaign...
The Church celebrates Christ's rising throughout the Easter season, not just for one day, but for fifty days. Fifty days of celebration because of the awesomeness of this mystery of Christ's rising from the dead to life. The Easter season is all about life. It is about the life of the risen Lord, and it celebrates and never tires of repeating that he lives. Easter is a time to celebrate our faith in the risen Jesus, who saved us from our sins. If we do not believe in Jesus, we cannot make it to heaven alone. Jesus told his disciples: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
We often describe our call to stewardship as our selfless gifts of time, talent and treasure, in response to the wonderful gifts we have received from God. Our call to practice Stewardship of Talent is an invitation to live out our faith by discerning where and how the Spirit is calling us to serve.
It gives me great joy to have welcomed so many familiar, and also new faces to our Holy Week celebrations. The liturgies of these most sacred days in the Church are beautiful expressions of our faith, rich in both symbolism and meaning that continue to awaken in us a new appreciation of all that we believe. It takes extra effort and attention to detail to preside at these liturgies. I am deeply grateful to the priests, who prepared and celebrated these days with the dignity, devotion, and diligence they deserve.
We know that our Easter collection is one of our two largest special collections of the year, and is a necessary part of our ability to support the many ministries, liturgies, and outreach that touch us throughout the year, even at times like now when our parish life is close to, but still not entirely back to normal. The dedication of the people of Queen of All Saints to maintain our faith community in time of challenge has always been a hallmark of our parish.
Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! Happy Easter! Thank you for your presence and prayers as we celebrate this special feast. I especially extend a warm welcome to anyone who is visiting with us from other places or faith backgrounds. As we gather today, we celebrate the beautiful gift of life with which God has blessed each of us.