The beginning of June means summer is right around the corner. Flowers are blooming and trees are in full leaf. Christian stewards are reminding themselves that stewardship continues as we head into the days of vacation, barbecues, summer reading lists, family reunions and trips to the beach, we are well aware of the summer needs of the less fortunate, as well as being aware of their own need to give throughout the year.
Confirmation preparation is a 2-year program that begins in 7th grade and concludes with the sacrament of confirmation at the end of 8th grade. To keep your child on track to receive their confirmation at the end of 8th grade we are offering a summer intensive class.
We all need time off to recharge and refresh. Enjoy your respite from your usual work and then plan to rejoin our parish community with a new sense of joy and wonder at God’s gifts to us. Please support us with your prayers when you’re away. And, if you can, please consider supporting us through Give Central when you’re away as well.
In 2022, the Catholic bishops of the United States launched a three-year National Eucharistic Revival mission aimed at “renewing the Church by kindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.” The revival's vision is to “inspire a movement of Catholics across the United States who are healed, converted, formed, and unified by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist—and who are then sent out on mission ‘for the life of the world.’”
Thank You! We are grateful for the opportunity to celebrate together in fellowship at the Gala on May 17th. Your sponsorships, donations and purchases go directly to our parish and school to continue serving our community. Thank you to all the people involved in creating this year’s UPP, your time and talent are appreciated.
THANK YOU to everyone who, through your presence and active participation in this year’s United Parish Program, have not only helped us celebrate our community but also played a crucial role in supporting our ongoing efforts as the parish of Queen of All Saints. Your involvement has brought immense joy and pride to our faith community, and your commitment to our many ministries and activities is truly commendable.
Another successful UPP is behind us, a wonderful opportunity to build our community in a friendly setting while strengthening our parish finances as well as the future of our first and most important ministry—the formation of our youngest.
Here’s how our “new church” looked in May 1957 (click to view), midway through its construction. When Masses were finally celebrated in this magnificent space in July 1959, the proud members of this parish (especially those very few who had been parishioners a mere 25 years earlier when we had only 40 families) could take a moment to reflect on how far they had come.
Happy Mother’s Day! Every culture and nation honors mothers in a particular way. It is because we know instinctively the gift of a mother, she who carried us in her womb, the first home, before we were offered to our family or to the world.
Registration for Religious Education 2024-2025 is now open! Register by June 15th for a discount! The QASRE program begins at kindergarten and goes through eighth grade. Our program focuses on building a relationship with Christ as your children grow in their discipleship.
We talk about the stewardship of time, talent and treasure, and on this page we talk a lot about the generosity of treasure that has marked our parish from the start and made possible the magnificent basilica where you received this bulletin. click here for details
Congratulations to all our parish First Communicants! Our second graders were celebrated at two beautiful Masses on Saturday, May 4. Click here for full article
Back in the day, when I made my first Communion, the date depended on the availability of the bishop. I received my First Communion and Confirmation on October 24. I was hoping to be present for my niece’s First Communion and Confirmation this January when I will visit my family in India. Unfortunately, the date was pushed back to April 28, because the bishop wasn’t available...